Astrology, Divination, Rituals, Spirituality

The Empath Survival Guide

In a world full of negative, destructive energy, feeling like a psychic "sponge" can be overwhelming. This course is designed to provide empathic individuals with empowering tools and techniques, such as:

- Beginning and maintaining a spiritual self-care and protection regimen
- Building a basic altar or sacred space
- Spirutal bathing
- Healing Rituals

Your gifts are an asset, not a liability. Don't confine yourself to the fringes of life--learn to honor and support yourself today.
  • Welcome to the Empath Survival Guide
  • Intro & Course Summary
  • Practitioner Bio
  • Download Your Course Materials
  • The Empath's Toolkit (e-book)
  • Lecture
  • The Empath's Toolkit Webinar (Zoom recording)
  • Course Assignments
  • Assignment 1: Boundaries
  • Assignment 2: Selfish or Selfless?
  • Assignment 3: Ground Yourself
  • Assignment 4: Get Clean
  • Assignment 5: Affirm Yourself
  • Share your feedback here!
  • Schedule Your 1-on-1 Coaching Session
  • Book Your Coaching Session
  • Additional Materials
  • Empathic Empowerment Lectures
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "The Empath's Toolkit (e-book), The Empath's Toolkit Webinar (Zoom recording), Assignment 1: Boundaries, Assignment 2: Selfish or Selfless?, Assignment 3: Ground Yourself, Assignment 4: Get Clean, Assignment 5: Affirm Yourself, Share your feedback here!"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever